Ok so yesterday I posted this drawing of my character Ezrabelle, a naive alien princess who happens to resemble a neko girl - for the funny and to contrast with the horrific actions she later takes. Now usually my posts don’t get past more than 2-3 votes, not even fanart most of the time, and this drawing I did of Ezz in her dressing gown reading a book for dating advice parodying a manga with heavy sexual undertones got 4 votes within an hour of posting.
Now I might be reading into this too much .. but, as the kids say, this is kinda sus.
First off, I just want to say, if you follow my account with the hopes of seeing spicy NSFW art from me, please leave and don’t come back. This is exactly why I left Deviantart, where most people surrounding me (or at least following me) had some kind of ill intent or weird background. I joined Newgrounds because it is a hub of pure creativity and artistry - there seems to be very little people (at least from what I could see) who haven’t touched a pen and it makes me feel comforted, as opposed to Deviantart where 55% of its user base are uncreative mindless bottom feeders who constantly request free art from artists struggling to make a dime. Because of this site’s increased amount of artists who have actually made a career off this site as opposed to DA (OneyNG, Zeurel, JoelG, etc), I hope to build somewhat of a decent following on Newgrounds as well.
So please don’t make me want to leave this site too! I read a little too late after making an account that there were weirdos on this site too, especially as the censorship here is very little, if non existent. Things like games based on real school shootings, art of girls with uncensored Robertsons, and probably more I can’t describe are allowed here, and though this allows for more creative freedom, it also paves the way for more pervs to join the site and expect saucy art from others. Or at least have certain preferences for certain characters - like anime neko girls.
Now I can’t control who follows me or votes my stuff, but I just ask of you that you please, please, PLEASE don’t vote my stuff or follow me because you find my art hot, or god forbid you find me hot because I happen to be a girl. My profile says clearly that I am Ace/Aro, meaning I am not interested in sex NOR romance, and as such, my work will not appeal to those who get their socks off to saucier art. Sure I’ll post art of characters in romantic situations and what not, but anything even remotely sexual in my art will NOT go beyond kisses. If that’s why you followed me or voted any of my stuff, then, again, piss off.
Ok, that’s the end of my “warning” blog, hope you guys understand. If any of you more experienced NG users have felt this way or been in similar situations to me, then please let me know in the comments - I want to know if this is “new user anxiety” or if this is a common fear. Idk, SOMETHING, man